
Misc Info
Ethan Song || Nicky Song || Gabriel/April Parker
Stella Li || Luna Li || Charley Beaumont
Kevin Callahan || Lucas Harland || Others

OCs Info

I'll make a proper page soon, but for now here's everything from other sites (links open in new tabs):

I only have ArtFight profiles for some of them, but they are the most up-to-date designs compared to the ones on Deviantart, and they at least have some info.

Ethan Song

(he/him) 16-19

Placeholder text

Ethan: ArtFight Profile / Deviantart tag

Nicky Song

(he/him) 16-19

Placeholder text

Nicky: ArtFight Profile / Deviantart tag

Gabriel/April Parker

(he/she/they) 17-20

Placeholder text

Parker: ArtFight Profile / Deviantart tag

Stella Li

(she/her) 17-20

Placeholder text

Stella: ArtFight Profile / Deviantart tag

Luna Li

(she/her) 17-20

Placeholder text

Charley Beaumont

(he/him) 17-20

Placeholder text

Charley: Deviantart tag

Kevin Callahan

(he/him) 17-20

Placeholder text

Kevin: Deviantart tag

Lucas Harland

(he/him) 17-20

Placeholder text


Placeholder text

I'll make seperate sections for these guys later

Vanessa Valentine: Deviantart tag

Michael Bradford: Deviantart tag

Aidan Lake: Deviantart tag

Jenny Lake: Deviantart tag